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Our School

Chapman’s Retreat Elementary School is part of the Williamson County School District in Middle Tennessee and is located 35 minutes south of Nashville, TN. Our school is located in Spring Hill, TN on the southern edge of the county and school district.  Our school houses Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth grades and is supported by a strong family of students, parents, educators, as well as a close-knit community that share in the mission of Chapman’s Retreat Elementary. 

The Chapman’s Retreat family is made of a strong group of students, faculty, staff, administrators, parents, and community.  We wear red and blue and cheer on our mascot, Chip the Cheetah!  Our close proximity both within school walls and within the community creates a neighborhood of love, support, and pride!

outside of CRES

Our History

Located in Spring Hill, TN, 30 minutes south of Nashville, TN, Chapman’s Retreat was established in 2003.   Spring Hill is situated in both Williamson and Maury Counties. Spring Hill boasts rich historical sites, lush farmland, businesses, industry, and booming residential growth, especially on the Williamson County side.  It was to help meet this growth that Chapman’s Retreat Elementary was built for the families of the southern part of Williamson County.

Serving grades Pre-K-5, CRES was one of the founding Williamson County Schools for the Spring Hill area.  The doors were opened on August 11th for a full day of school.  The first year began with 361 students, 28 classroom teachers, 7 special area teachers, and 5 special education teachers (including speech and gifted education).  Today we serve over 690 students with more than 35 teachers.  The staff, faculty, parents, and community of Chapman’s Retreat cooperatively work to fulfill the mission of Chapman’s Retreat Elementary.

Mission and Vision

Our vision is that all students will learn in an environment that fosters curiosity and creativity, promotes individual learning styles, and entices students to seek knowledge and solve problems.

Believe. Achieve. Exceed.

Our primary mission is to prepare students for the future, through rigorous instruction that emphasizes critical thinking, collaboration, and individualized learning.

School Hours

Regular School Hours: 8:38 AM - 3:45 PM

Half Days: 8:38 AM - 12:13 PM

Early Release Days: 8:38 AM - 1:53 PM

Office Hours: 8:15 AM - 4:30 PM

Cheetah Cheer

I am a Chapman’s Cheetah!
You can hear me roar!
Through my actions and attitudes
My grades will really soar.
I am respectful and ready,
Successful through and through.
I am responsible and do the things
I know that I should do!
Cheetahs help me through the challenges
That put me to the test.
In this community where I am safe,
I’ll always do my best!

cheetah mascot waving

Cheetah Values

Students are our primary customers.

Every student will learn and grow.

Educational decisions will be based on individual student needs and school data.

Our school is a unique and powerful community where learning is ongoing.

Instruction will be based on research-based methods and strategies that facilitate student curiosity and engagement.

Our school culture relies on the support of and collaboration among students, parents, faculty members, and the community.

principal and vice principal in red shirts